Poem by Gloria Eid

Pictured: An image of Gloria with her father

Pictured: An image of Gloria with her father

People always say it hurts at night

but sometimes it's in the middle of a

bright summer day

and the whiff of fresh cut watermelon

will send the shivers to my bones.

I smell you in the juiciest fruits I pick

at the market

and when the smell of freshly peeled orange

lingers in the picnic air,

I think of you.

I will always smell you in the carrots

of every colour

They say it hurts at night

but sometimes it's at the brink of dusk

on a walk around the block

when the smell of fresh wet evening grass

from a neighbour with her garden hose

send me back to our lawn.

I stop and watch her water in peace

I inhale

to a time when everything was simple.

Find Gloria on Instagram for more: @gloriaeid and @momentsof__


The Bird

